The castle doors shall open and welcome you into the realm of Enchanting Lair.
Come see our designs consisting of a Court of Fairies, a Lair of Dragons, and unique Celtic & Medieval designs. We also design and produce a wonderful collection of hand-dyed fabrics to stitch your projects on

Friday, December 4, 2009

2009 Updates

December 2009
It has been awhile since I posted and alot has happened and gone on.
First and foremost has been the addition of adding hand dyed fabrics to our product line. In the past we have used several different companies such as: Crossed Wing Collection, Picture this Plus and Zweigart, but we found that we needed to create our own colours to go with our designs as well as other designers. You will note that on our website we have added a gallery page showing some of our fabrics on our designs as well as other desginers. This will allow you to see the different designs that can be done on our fabric. Watch for updates in the next little while as several new designs are in the works. Just to show the look of one of our favorite fabrics is Blue Frost which we stitched the Mirabilia - Winter White Santa - the fabric just makes the Santa pop! This was stitched on an opalesence 28ct fabric.
Did not release alot of new designs this year as we were extremely busy with our family and work around our home. We did have alot of new designs coming out in the new year and are excited that we will be teaching again in the fall show in October at the Creativ Festival Show in Toronto 2010. Watch for the posting of the new teaching pieces for the show. The pieces taught this year are now released and available to the general public now.
We are very proud of one of the pieces as it was our first design created as a box - Celtic Sewing Box is part of our medieval designs and is a gorgeous piece that could even be used as a jewellery box. The chart comes complete with all finishing instructions and the fibreboard to complete the piece. Filled with speciality stitches and swaroski crystals this is a fun piece to stitched.

Over the next several months many new things are being drawn, created and designed. The new little bit of news that I can say is that several of us designers are considering doing a retreat teaching some of our very special, unique pieces that will only be available in class. check back with I promise to post more information in regards to our retreat over the next several months.

Since winter is on our doorsteps many of us are in our homes sitting around a cozy fire and stitching away to our hearts content. Happy stitching to all!

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